My youngest daughter turns 18 next month. Graduation. College. Boyfriend.
Today is Senior Parents Night at Bullard High.
We're meeting to go over the senior activities (and empty the checkbook). I looked over the senior packet (announcements, cap/gown, grad trips) and I was fine ... yesterday.
I thought I was well-prepared for this phase. Nope. I'm hopelessly sappy.
Truly, I'm happy for her future. But, the sap has taken over today.
When did my naked-screaming-little-baby-wanting-attention grow up?
When did she and I switch positions? Seems she's the one comforting me now, saying
"Awww, things will be alright" while I'm screaming for attention, afraid to be left behind.
I have an appointment with The Ultimate Heart Surgeon.
I'll need to be a compliant patient. Is there a pill for this?
Life is just as it should be.
My girl's living her destiny.
Her mama will get well.
Mama's Arm (edited my head in ... ha!) Spencer's Arm (original shot)
Preschool High School Senior
Do all mamas go through this? Ahhh. [*sigh*]