Thursday, April 29, 2010

Chile Rellenos Casserole

"Ummm.  Okay.  I've never eaten chile rellenos, but I'll make them. If you really want me to."

Linda needed help preparing food for the softball Fiesta Friday fundraiser.  She'd give me the recipe and the ingredients --  it would be an easy side dish, she said.  But, over 100  people are expected and I was getting nervous.  I wanted to back out.  But, I didn't.

Five dozen eggs

Bags of cheese

 Cans of chiles 

 Grease was listed but I replaced it with butter (Julia Childs would be proud).

The casseroles laid out (only the first dish had the egg mixture in it). 

Last look before going into the oven (well, kind of.  As soon as I put it in the oven, I remembered the baking powder.  So, I beat two more eggs, added in the baking powder, and did my best to incorporate everything without making a huge mess).

Cool down almost over.

 I cut a piece to sample.  My first-ever bite of chile rellenos casserole.  Yum.  Delicious!

I'm saving this recipe.  Excuse me, I need to get back to my next three casseroles.

1 comment:

Thanks for sharing your comments! -Teresa