Bullard High Varsity Softball Team

The Peanut Gallery of parents Lauren slides home

The Peanut Gallery of parents Lauren slides home
I spent a lot of time on these bleachers
Kirk looked on-line and found that Bien Nacido Vineyards in Santa Maria was conducting a walking tour. Our guide at explains the growing season and how the vines are attached.
Such a beautiful day to be strolling the vineyard
Our next stop was in Solvang, a town fashioned after its Danish settlers. Kirk wanted these aebleskivers (a round Danish pancake), covered with raspberry jam and sprinkled with powdered sugar.
Kirk's other place (Linn's Bakery in Cambria) He loves Linn's olallieberry pie. We drive here just for this ...
For dinner, we drove to Pismo Beach for clam chowder with fish and chips. Kirk and Lauren snag a window seat at
Splash Cafe. Can you see my reflection on the left, snapping their picture?
Fish and chips for Lauren! Pass the malt vinegar, please.
The next morning, we head to Montana de Oro State Park. We used to take Lauren to the tidepools here when she was little (doesn't remember, she says. Should have waited to do all those things when she got older and remembered the experiences!)
This animal started staring at Kirk. Perched, ready to attack. Nah! Just kidding. It was a stuffed animal on display at the Visitor Center.
Hiking down to the tidepools, Lauren soaks in the ocean view
Following my troops down to the ocean
The sound of the waves crashing and the salty ocean air is so settling. We're headed down there ... Corallina Cove