Kirk planned two days in San Francisco for my birthday. We stayed in Redwood City the first night (to visit Sunset Gardens). On Day 2, the forecasted storm hit after we reached home in Fresno. Also, it was Fleet Week in SF so the Blue Angels were in town (we saw and heard them overhead). As a sailor's daughter, I enjoyed seeing sailors around town.
A few days after our visit, the Bay Bridge was closed when two steel beams and tie-rods holding a cracked structural support failed. The pictures below show the traffic at the toll booth, driving across sections of the Bay Bridge and a view of Coit Tower from the bridge.
This GPS has been a peacekeeper in our car. It's easier (and safer) to argue (and blame) the GPS than each other!
The wall art (graffiti) on this building was vivid and interesting. You'll see clothing racks because we were walking though a weekend outdoor street market. Also, I shot a picture from the bottom of an apartment.
I caught Lauren and her Pop taking cellphone pictures of each other. Makes me smile.
Taking pictures of funny faces
Seriously, this IS the color of this door. It's neon green against pewter fixtures. Seriously. Neon colors are fashionable this fall, so this door is so IN.
Views in Chinatown. Top two pictures at the front gate and bottom two are street views.
The hanging lanterns above the street give a festive atmosphere.
Chinatown shopping.
We stopped to eat here (again) at Penang Garden (Malaysian-Thai-Singaporean cuisine). The food was delicious (Rendang Chicken and Belachan Eggplant).
Peking Duck, a plate of duck heads, jin duey aka buchi-buchi dessert and waiting outside a Pearl Drink shop for Kirk & Lauren.
I was caught by surprise. I was looking in the shop window and thought I heard something. A homeless man was snoring on the storefront steps. Times are so hard for many folks.