On Sunday evenings, we have Small Group meetings at the Ingels home. Johan & Katerina have such a warm and inviting home, so conducive to our studies and intimate discussions on issues of faith. I am so appreciative they have welcomed all of us to meet there—it is truly a calming and comfortable atmosphere in their home. Thanks so much, Johan & Katerina!
Last Sunday, I was keenly aware of the young children’s voices—talking and playing in the other room. For me, the sounds of children are especially enjoyable during the holidays.
Enjoying delicious Christmas treats and belly-warming beverages

Catching up on everyone's Christmas preparations before the study begins. See the mobile at the top of the photo?

Here's a close-up of the mobile.
In Swedish culture, Santa rides on a goat. Cool!
Cute mobile! A goat? NEATO. I love seeing how other families celebrate Christmas!