Stopped at Pinkberry at The District in Irvine couple weeks ago. For me, it's the ultimate in fro-yo goodness!

When I see this sign, my heart kinda skips
I like the clean lines and modern feel in this shop
Cool pattern of green circles on the order counter
Oh. Kirk's already got his order! See the GPS in front of him?
He's trying to figure out where we go from here.

Love the clean wavy lines of this beautiful fixture
The furniture is clean and artsy. The chairs remind me of lime lollipops.
The green dots on the glass cast a pretty colored shadow inside
So many fresh and delicious toppings. How to choose?
My very favorite is pomegranate and original flavors swirled together. Then, toppings of blueberries, mango, and mochi. Yumm! Worth the wait!
Yum! Your pictures are awesome Teresa. What a cute shop!