Lauren's senior yearbook pictures were taken by Maxwell Studio. The studio was bustling with teenagers getting their pictures taken two weeks before the yearbook's deadline. She wanted me to sit in the room while the pictures were taken and the photographer allowed me to take a few shots (without flash) to document the session. She looks beautiful in the black dress we picked up last night at Forever 21. This senior year is moving so fast!
The glass door on the studio entrance
She felt like a movie star with these lights

The photographer had long hair, too, so she carefully arranged Lauren's fresh curls

She flashed a quick smile at me

The half-moon reflectors lit the shadows on her face

The photographer was giving Lauren some ideas

They reviewed a few of the photos as they shot the session. I know it's not customary to review the pictures with the client (because the waiting room was PACKED), but I appreciated her extra care with Lauren
Last shot of the session for this senior!
Oh I remember senior picture day for Ashley! Everything does go by so fast. She looks beautiful as always. Enjoy every minute of it!