Thanksgiving was at Alex & Lani's in Sacramento. The next day, Black Friday, we got up early and headed to Apple Hill in Placerville (about 50 miles from Sac). Apple Hill is an area of working farms (apples, berries, grape vineyards, Christmas trees). It was cold and misty when we arrived, but lots of people were out. We like to stop at our two favorite places: Abel's Apple Acres and Boa Vista Farms. We walked, shopped, and ate amidst the smell of fragrant pines and lots of fruit bakeries. Fun day!
Norm, Alex, Lani, Lauren and Kirk with the bears
The guys waited while the girls shopped in the craft booths
Lauren and Auntie Lani model handcrafted ear muffs
Lots of of people were choosing and cutting Christmas trees up here.
Apples everywhere. These are the bargain boxes at $1.50 each (I bought a box of the Pink Lady variety).

Lots of freshly baked pies. Of course, apple pies were popular.
The three of us (Kirk, Teresa & Lauren). She has a gallon of fresh-pressed cider headed for home.
Alex & Lani with tart Granny Smith apples
Lauren, Uncle Norman and Uncle Alex stop before heading to Boa Vista Farms. Let's go!
A trip to remember..the rain started to pour and the fog rolled in..we were pulling out of a parking space..BOHGA!!..none of us saw the utility pole!!..the truck's first bumper dent, haha!! worries, no injuries and we all still had the best of Thanksgiving times!